Acrylic Denture Care Tips & Tricks

Acrylic Denture Care Tips & Tricks

To fully maintain acrylic dentures to a high level they require careful, consistent and deep cleaning. Maintaining the quality, look and feel of your dentures may seem like a difficult task, but not with Total Denture Care’s easy tip guide. Carefully following Total Denture Care’s Tips & Tricks below, will help to prevent stains from occurring on your dentures and extend their lifetime.
Let’s get started.

Tip 1. Brush your dentures at least twice daily (morning and night)

We recommend all denture owners remove their dentures, soak them in water and carefully brush them with a soft bristled denture brush. This process will remove food, plaque and other deposits from your dentures that may stain or harmfully affect your denture.

Tip 2. Clean and rinse your mouth thoroughly

Now that your dentures are fully cleaned, it is time to clean and rinse your mouth before re-insertion. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, gently brush your gums, tongue, cheeks and roof of your mouth – removing all unwanted deposits that may affect your dentures or create a stale taste within your mouth.

Tip 3. Handling your dentures

In all instances, handle your dentures with extreme care. Dentures are carefully crafted to each individual’s mouth. Thus, ensuring the structural integrity of your dentures is not altered is key in owning long-lasting dentures. Whilst cleaning, we also recommend placing in the sink a plastic container filled with water should the dentures slip out of your hands – this will help keep your dentures safe and avoid any chipping or cracking from ceramic/ porcelain surfaces.

Tip 4. Eating with dentures

After eating, run cold water upon your dentures in order to gently rinse and remove food debris from your denture. Alternatively, you can keep your dentures in your mouth and rinse.

Tip 5. Overnight denture care

Avoid wearing your dentures to bed and leave your dentures in a sealed or covered container. Acknowledging that differing dentures have individual needs, we ask that you contact the Total Denture Care team for personalised advice about this type of care. *Note: Care for Chrome and Valplast dentures do differ to acrylic dentures. 

Tip 6. Visit your denture clinic yearly for a check-up and professional denture clean 

We advise all patients to check-in with our clinic at least once a year – even if they feel their dentures are in day one condition. Regularly receiving denture check-ups will ensure that small issues are resolved before developing further which in some instances can minimise costs drastically and care for your health. In addition, like natural teeth that require regular scale and cleans, a professional denture clean is recommended at least once a year to provide a deep clean to your dentures.

For more information, contact our team today.

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