At Total Denture Care, we provide a high-quality emergency denture service in Perth. This process usually takes approximately 2-3 days for a complete new denture from start to finish; however, we would only need you in the clinic for approximately 1–2 hours all up. For a Emergency Denture, we would need you to be booked for the earliest appointment available which may take up to 1 hour for the initial examination – this would also include taking impressions (moulds of your mouth), teeth selection and shade matching and recording all other measurements required. In some cases, we would need you to come back for a try-in the next day which may take up to 30 minutes. Then once both yourself and our Prosthetist are happy with your denture, it would then be processed and your new denture and smile would be ready for the next day.
Our clinic is renowned throughout Perth for its quality, honest and reliable Emergency Denture Service.